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Board of Selectmen Minutes 11/19/2018
Meeting Minutes

The Board of Selectmen held a Regular Meeting at 4:00 pm on November 19, 2018 in the Meeting Hall of the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall. First Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder, Selectwoman Mary Jo Nosal and Selectman Chris Kerr were present.

  • Approval of Minutes:
5 November 2018 -Regular Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Selectwoman Nosal, seconded by Selectman Kerr, to approve the November 5, 2018 regular meeting minutes. Motion passed.
2. Communication:  None
3.  Appointments:
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder handed out and reviewed the updated list of appointments with terms ending in Jan. 2018, vacancies and those whom they are waiting to hear back from. She asked the selectmen to reach out to anyone they think may be interested in serving on a committee or commission and asking them to submit a completed application. She also noted the list has been forwarded to the Republican and Democratic town committees.
4.   Old Business:
  • Hains Park Bathrooms Committee
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported the committee met on Nov. 7th and Phil Parcak handed out a site plan with a proposed location of the bathrooms which she shared with the selectmen. This would change the orientation of the bathrooms and allows for a safer entrance, easier to lock-up and reduced vandalism. This would require a variance and they would need to go to the Zoning Board of Appeals with a request. Should this not be approved, they would likely keep the original footprint. She also noted this does not change parking but does allow the ADA parking space to be closer to the entrance, allowing for easier access.

  • PGN Library Project
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported they do not need to adopt the resolution because they have not set the date for the Town meeting yet. The BOS discussed the clean copy of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with feedback from the Town Attorney which included the library using their available funding and state funding before requesting Town funds; relationship of the parties, the Town is not liable for completing the project, what would establish default by the library, request for payments via email, and insurance.
She also added she will be sharing this with the BOF at their meeting tomorrow night and will send this on to the library for their review, so they can try to finalize the MOU at the next BOS meeting.

  • Halls Road committee public information meeting scheduled
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported the Halls Road Committee has scheduled a public information meeting for Thursday, Dec. 6th at 7:00pm at the LOL middle school.  They will be able look at the concepts that Yale Urban Design Workshop (YUDW) has put together and then break-up into groups to get feedback and ideas on the different components of the designs.

  • Community Connectivity Grant Workshop
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reminded the selectmen of the $400,000 grant from the CT Dept. of Transportation (DOT) which the town received to extend the sidewalks on Hartford Ave. from Bocce Lane to Route 156. She reported

that a commitment to fund letter would be received shortly, which authorizes the town to proceed with design, which is not covered by the grant funds. She has received a preliminary quote from BSC for $30,000 for the design and they will need to request the funds this year or put it into the budget for next year.  The bid policy requires that they will need to get at least three quotes.
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder added that she and Frank Pappalardo attended a grant administration workshop at the RiverCOG on Nov. 9th and gave an overview of the steps involved.
First Selectman Reemsnyder asked Selectwoman Nosal if she would be willing to take on this project, as based on her experience with the Sound View project, she thinks she would do a great job. Selectwoman Nosal agreed and First Selectman Reemsnyder will forward her the PowerPoint presentation to get her started. They discussed the possibility of putting together the same committee she worked with on the Sound View project. They also discussed some of the obstacles in putting a sidewalk on the east side of the street and just putting the sidewalk on the west side and possibly continuing it on Rt. 156 if funding allows.

  • Election Day – Nov. 6, 2018 Update
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder acknowledged Election Day was held on Nov. 6th and reported the turnout was great and congratulated those who came out to vote. The registrar’s office reported there was a 72% turnout which included same day registration and absentee ballots. She also congratulated State Representative Devin Carney, State Senator Paul Formica on their reelection and our new Governor-elect Ned Lamont.

5.   New Business:
  • Budget Request for FY2020
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported they are entering the budget season. All the departments have received their packets from the Finance Department to complete their budget requests. She has been looking at the capital budget and gave a brief overview of some of the items they will be looking at funding, including the Grassy Hill Road bridge, the lower Mill Pond Dam, the Stump Dump, Senior Center improvements, Information Tech upgrades and she would like to look into funding (possible grants) an electric car and charging station. The BOS discussed several of the items pointed out for clarification and Selectwoman Nosal suggested adding the Town Woods Road sidewalk survey (currently money in the budget for this).
She has sent the selectmen a copy which includes this year and next year’s budgets and asked for the selectmen’s feedback for further discussion.

  • Request for approval from Town Building Fund – Facilities
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reviewed the request she received from Phil Parcak for $5,000 to complete the work on the Lyme Street Fire Station. She gave an overview of the work that has been completed at the Cross Lane and Lyme Street Fire Stations new heating systems and the work that still needs to be completed at the Lyme Street station and is requesting an additional $5,000 based on the Fire Marshal’s requirements.
A motion was made by Selectwoman Nosal, seconded by Selectman Kerr, to approve the request for $5,000 from the Town Building Fund to complete the job at the Lyme Street Fire Station. Motion passed.

  • Town Hall Schedule for Thanksgiving Holiday
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reminded everyone that the Town Hall will be closed on Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday. She wished everyone a happy holiday.

6.   Public Comment: None

7.   Other Business:

First Selectwoman Reemsnyder gave each of the selectmen a draft copy of the 2019 BOS meeting schedule and the 2019 Holiday schedule for their review and discussion at the next meeting. The BOS briefly discussed a change to their February meeting schedule.

Selectwoman Nosal reported one of the last items on the checklist for the Sound View Improvements included tree inspections, which has been completed and all the concerns have been resolved. The Tree Commission will take over care for the trees and they will look for volunteers to water the trees on a regular basis. She also added that DOT is still reviewing their books.

8.   Executive Session: None

9.   Adjournment:
A motion was made by Selectwoman Nosal, seconded by Selectman Kerr, to adjourn at 5:19 pm. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Patti Broedlin